
You can go on social media any day and see all the thousands of people who feel #blessed. My fear is that we have become desensitized to the word “blessed” and its meaning (and I am totally preaching to myself on this whole post!). We’ve created a culture where we are...

How Are You Wired?

I love understanding how people are made up and what makes us operate the way we do. My favorite courses in college were Psychology and Sociology. They were the only textbooks from classes that I actually kept because I knew I would have an interest in referring to...

O Praise His Name Forevermore

“O praise the name of the Lord our God. O praise His name forevermore. For endless days, we will sing Your praise. Oh Lord, oh Lord our God (Hillsong). One of the ways that I sense God’s presence the most is through songs of worship. As I was singing this Hillsong...

A Faithful Father

I recently finished studying the book of Joshua. I never thought I could learn so much from an Old Testament book full of cities and king’s names that are hard to pronounce. But I’ve realized that the book of Joshua is jam packed with lessons and stories of God’s...

Beauty + Confidence

Let’s talk openly about biblical beauty and confidence. It’s easy for us women to distort what being a confident and strong image-bearer of God looks like. Some of us try so hard not to be the timid and quiet woman, so we come across as intimidating or demanding...