Getting in the Mess

It was a mundane, every-day experience of feeding my little one in his highchair that turned into a holy moment for me. The feeding started off clean, but by the end of it, the dark purple berry and oats slop was EVERYWHERE! Covering his hands, smeared all over his...

Lonely? You don’t have to be

Does the word loneliness ring true with you right now? Disappointment maybe? Or unmet expectations? I just want you to know that I’m with you. My eyes open at the sound of my baby whimpering. I breathe deep, roll out of bed, head downstairs, and mix the bottle. I...

The American Dream and Treasures in Heaven

Many Americans, whether Christian or not, strive for the American Dream. As Christians, how are we supposed to view it and/or respond to it? Many things come to mind when thinking about what the American Dream is. Maybe it’s opportunity and success, maybe it’s comfort...

God Time

What is time with God supposed to look like? I used to have this perception that it needed to look a certain way. That it should be all or nothing, and if I couldn’t get up every morning and sit down with God for one hour then I just shouldn’t spend time with God at...